A revolutionary in-memory system that seamlessly blends database and application platform capabilities to handle high
transaction rates and complex query processing. SAP HANA® transforms transactions, analytics, text analysis,
predictive and spatial processing, which empowers businesses to operate at the pace of business.
Earlier companies had no way of mining their massive amounts of data to find the answers to complex and critical business questions.
With SAP HANA®, companies can sift through their data to discover game-changing insights into their business.
Benefits of SAP HANA®
SAP HANA® removes the chasm that to this point has separated transactions and analytics. This allows businesses to
innovate and make
wiser business decisions from their big data in a more simplified way.
Merging predictive analytics, spatial processing, and data virtualization onto the same architecture accelerates the
answering of business questions through data to real-time.
Start with a free high-level consultation to help you clearly understand the costs, and benefits of fully leveraging SAP® for your company.
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